For kids, there is nothing as much fun as a circus. Kids love the show, the circus costumes, and the challenges of learning how to be a clown. To get the most out of circus art, you should consider signing up for a circus school. They will help develop your kids’ skills, provide entertainment, and give them a chance to enjoy learning and having fun at the same time.
Workshops of this nature are ideal for pre-school ages four to eight. The wa circus school provides workshops and activities that foster creativity, promote physical fitness, improve motor skills, improve balance, increase awareness of the self, and prepare students for their first circus performances. The following activities are offered for pre-school through grade eight. These include circus dance, acrobatic gymnastics, aerial silks, obstacle courses, jumpiness, and more!
Workshops for pre-school-age children focus on various aspects of acrobatics. For example, preschoolers will learn how to juggle on the head ring. In addition, they will learn the three-step walk and the two-step hop. They will also learn how to twirl on a unicycle. Other workshops focus on balancing the trampoline and climbing ladders.
Preschoolers in the wa circus school also get a chance to experience the fine arts. Two workshops exist that allow the students to perform simple artistic skills in the presence of professionals. One workshop enables the participants to paint watercolor paintings. Another focuses on painting soapstone sculptures. The other seminar offers beadwork, papier Mache, and crochet. These activities serve as the perfect gateway into other exciting and beneficial workshops, including circus clowning, circus dance, freestyle jazz dancing, martial arts, and more.
As the kids leave the wa circus school premises, they will be encouraged to apply their acrobatics skills at the Fremantle arena. The Fremantle arena is located on the grounds of the actual circus. There are two grandstands with large bleachers placed strategically in the middle. The bleachers provide an excellent way for parents and babies to watch their children perform their aerial skills. Other bleachers line the sides of the grandstands.
There are several acrobatic displays throughout the arena. Kids will find the following shows: the bunny hop, the bunny roll, the acrobatic chain, the jump to destiny, and the tom-boy and the henna stick. There are also several games in which the kids can participate. The Brenna tower, the bungee jump, and the pyramid are amongst the games. A freestyle game is included for the kids that prefer to perform without any music or a mentor.
There are several workshops that the kids can participate in as well. One of the workshops is available in the trunk show. This workshop allows the kids to learn some of the circus skills by performing a series of trunk shows. Trunk shows are divided into three acts: the intro, the middle, and the finale. After the performances, the audience can give the kids their awards as well.
One of the most popular workshops that the Wa Circus School offers is the magic workshops. There are many workshops for magic. These workshops range from beginner tricks to the advanced stage. There are also workshops available for juggling and disrobing. The large image is from commons (by).
There is also a painting workshop for the kids. Painting is one of the critical aspects of circus skills workshops. The painting activity requires the use of charcoal, pastel colors, sponge paints, and oil paints.
In the trunk circus and freestyle workshops, there is a freestyle improvisation activity for the children. The kids can perform a series of dancing steps on the spot while repeating the exact words or phrases. There are also workshops for the effective image technique in the trunk, the quick little head dance, and the large image walk. These techniques require the use of large pictures and the walking medium.
At the wa circus school, there is also a paintball arena. Here the students can practice their paintball shooting skills. The paintballs used here are the same ones used at the Australia leg of the World Cup II circus. This activity is included in the freestyle workshop as well. The other activities include the large image walk, the quick little head dance, and the large image walk.
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