What Is Acoustic Wave Therapy?

Acoustic Wave Therapy (AWT) is a non-invasive treatment option for a variety of medical problems. It uses acoustic waves to stimulate the body’s regenerative processes. This can help repair and heal damaged tissues and promote cell renewal. In turn, it improves a patient’s health and appearance.

When a patient undergoes AWT, the acoustic waves travel through the skin to target a specific area. The wave produces a micro-trauma that enhances the blood supply to the area, which in turn, stimulates the healing process. As the body begins to heal, stem cells are recruited and contribute to muscle and bone regeneration.

AWT is effective in treating a variety of conditions, including erectile dysfunction. There are no harmful side effects, and most patients recover fully. However, a patient’s condition should be discussed before undergoing the treatment.

Initially, acoustic wave therapy was used to break up kidney stones. Over time, it has evolved into a widely accepted treatment in orthopedics. It has also been utilized to heal injuries in the tendons, ligaments, and bones. AWT may be effective in helping treat soft tissue lesions, including chronic pain.

AWT has been proven to be a safe, effective, and non-invasive method of improving a patient’s erectile function. Consult a leading Cleveland men’s health clinic for ED to learn more about how this treatment is diagnosed and treated in more detail. A small amount of discomfort may occur during the treatment, which typically lasts only a few days. However, most patients report that they are relieved of this minor symptom after the first session.

Patients with erectile dysfunction should schedule a consultation with a contemporary health center practitioner to discuss their medical history. They should also sign up for a practice’s marketing emails to stay up to date with news and special offers. Some providers offer seasonal AWT deals.

AWT is not only safe and effective, it can also reduce redness and inflammation. Patients suffering from acne, stretch marks, and hair loss may benefit from this non-invasive procedure. Another benefit is that acoustic waves do not damage nerves or bones. These non-invasive sound waves can destroy fat buildup, which can increase circulation and speed up the healing process.

Aside from improving a person’s vascular health, acoustic waves have been shown to be effective in treating a number of dermatological ailments, including acne, varicose veins, and cellulite. It has also been reported to be effective in reducing scars and preventing hair loss.

AWT was initially developed in the 1960s for the treatment of kidney stones. AWT is currently used in a wide range of disorders, including arthritis, pain, and nerve damage. Many professional sports teams use acoustic therapy to prevent and cure injuries. It is not uncommon to see acoustic wave therapy performed by a number of different practitioners. Therefore, it is important to find a practitioner who has the proper skills and experience.

If you are interested in learning more about acoustic wave therapy, speak with a contemporary health center practitioner. Be sure to follow the practice’s social media pages to learn more about the procedure.

For the most effective AWT, you should choose a provider who specializes in more than one type of treatment. You’ll also want to make sure that you are working with an experienced physician.

Visit “Precise Men’s Medical Center
6500 Rockside Rd. Suite 180 Cleveland, OH 44131
Monday-Friday 9am-6pm

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