Getting tested for STDs or STIs might not be something you give much thought to—until you come down with one. By then, who knows how many people you may have inadvertently passed it on to. To prevent the spread of STDs and STIs, it’s important to get tested on a regular basis, especially after you have sex with someone new. Not only does getting tested prevent the spread, but you can also start getting treatment right away should you test positive for any STDs or STIs.
STI Versus STD
Many people may be confused or may not know the difference between an STI and an STD. An STI is a sexually transmitted infection, while an STD is a sexually transmitted disease. Although not all diseases start out with infections, most do.
An infection happens when bacteria or a virus enters the body and starts to multiply. If the infection isn’t treated as soon as possible, it could progress and get much worse. Although some infections will have symptoms, not all of them do, which is why it’s so important to get tested on a regular basis.
Different Types of STIs and STDs
There are a variety of infections and diseases that one can transmit sexually. Some common ones include chlamydia and gonorrhea, which are typically cured by taking antibiotics. HIV, however, cannot be cured. It can be treated though, so it’s important to get an HIV test in Newcastle as soon as you think you may be experiencing any symptoms.
Getting Tested
If you are planning on getting tested but want to know what the process is like, it’s rather simple. Once you go to a clinic, a qualified phlebotomist will collect your samples and send them to a fully certified laboratory for analysis. From there, your samples will be tested and you will receive your results anywhere between one to five days.
If you are worried about anyone getting their hands on your results, don’t be. Your results are confidential and reported to you in a secure manner. Typically, a lab employee will contact you directly with your results, regardless of what they are.
If you are interested in getting tested for any STIs or STDs, be sure to visit your local health clinic to do so. There, you can also gather more information about STIs and STDs so you can stay healthy.
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